We Understand Background Screening In Food and Beverage

Hire with confidence—and reduce your turnover.

Hire the right candidate.

Background screening is critical because hiring and retention in the food and beverage industry are challenging.

Challenge: Every industry seeks qualified candidates. However, very few encounter the unique challenges of food and beverage firms. Why? The work is often hard, requiring long hours, physical labor, and even emotional stress. Margins are tight, and offering signing bonuses like some other sectors can afford simply isn’t an option. As a result, turnover is high, retraining replacements are expensive, and finding and retaining top talent is a constant headache.

Experience: In industries like yours—with a revolving door of candidates and a high propensity for theft—it’s vital that employment background investigations and screening be fast, accurate, compliant, and affordable. And from your candidates’ perspectives, the screening process should be simple, easy to use, mobile-enabled, and candidate-friendly. That’s our perspective and our experience supporting dozens of businesses in your environment across all supply chain participants – food processing, packaging, and distribution entities.

Outcomes: Count on us for rapid turn-around at scale, as well as crisp, comprehensive, and accurate screening findings. Rely on us for by-the-book compliance with hiring-related regulations—both those specific to background screening and the regulatory hurdles you face daily. Expect our screening findings to dramatically reduce the time and effort of your HR team during the hiring process and to help them make better employment and contracting decisions.

We combine extensive knowledge of loss prevention best practices with our market-leading background check technology and capabilities to offer specialized food and beverage solutions that help you reduce theft and turnover through comprehensive screening.

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Our approach to background checks for food and beverage clients

In addition to the outcomes and benefits referenced above, we also understand the requirement of speed-to-hire in the food and beverage industry. We offer a mobile solution that dramatically cuts processing times—in part by placing key steps in the application process directly in the candidates’ hands. Our advanced automation workflow lets you quickly get results and apply quality assurance.

Most of our food and beverage applicants use mobile devices to search for jobs, fill out applications and complete much of the hiring process. 

As a U.S. consumer reporting agency, we are accredited by the PBSA for our commitment to excellence in information security, compliance, client education, researcher and data standards, verification, and business practices.

Make your job easier with our services

We provide adjudicators and accuracy while automating the simple and being hands-on with the complex.

Criminal Background Check

Our National Criminal Database covers 98% of the United States population, with 750+ million records, 6,000+ individual criminal sources, 2,400+ counties, and 4,000+ courts.

Employment and Education Verification

Our verification and credentialing services are managed by our in-house verifications team.

International Screening

S2Verify operates in all 192 countries.

Drug Screening

All of the laboratories we use are SAMHSA certified. If you require an instant test, we only use FDA-approved devices.


Create a better applicant experience with a smart, seamless hiring process fueled by a custom branded
web portal.

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